
version 9.0.0

Formed since August 2015 at cafe Lekker 188 Coffee.

The Founder

1. Danny Setiasyah

Danny Setiasyah is a graphic designer with more than 6 years of experience in this field. Starting his career from print media, books, pamphlets and brochures from 2015 changed his career in the digital field.

2. Reza Maulana Handinata

Started his career as an Android Programmer in one of the IT companies in Bandung from 2012. Then turned into a Web Developer in several companies engaged in health and property. Now continuing his career as a digital entrepreneur at TCA.

3. Daeng Rosanda

It's been quite a while in the web developer field, starting from the Backend frontend to becoming a Full Stack web developer who is now starting. Armed with more than 3 years of experience in the field of E-Commerce, he is now continuing his career at TCA.


The meaning of The Cloud Alert itself has a meaning taken from the word.

Cloud which means flexible digital computing system and Alert is verb for represent the Aware or Concerned.


Expand Technology Awareness


Make everyone care about using technology


1. Looking for simple problems that can be solved with technology

2. Build hypotheses about choosing a suitable technology to be a solution

3. create Solutions with the right technology